Are you a conscious person striving to live a meaningful life? “Life Worth Living” is a 6-week online group co-facilitated by Anita Arnold and Joe Burnham providing an opportunity to explore diverse ideas and assist you in defining a life worth living.

The Life Worth Living Book

From the book:

What makes a good life? The question is inherent to the human condition, asked by people across generations, professions, and social classes, and addressed by all schools of philosophy and religions. This search for meaning, as Yale faculty Miroslav Volf, Matthew Croasmun, and Ryan McAnnally-Linz argue, is at the crux of a crisis that is facing Western culture, a crisis that, they propose, can be ameliorated by searching, in one’s own life, for the underlying truth. 

In A Life Worth Living, named after its authors’ highly sought-after undergraduate course, Volf, Croasmun, and McAnnally-Linz chart out this question, providing readers with jumping-off points, road maps, and habits of reflection for figuring out where their lives hold meaning and where things need to change.

Drawing from the major world religions and from impressively truthful and courageous secular figures, A Life Worth Livingis a guide to life’s most pressing question, the one asked of all of us: How are we to live?

Life Worth Living is a book discussion co-facilitated by Joe Burnham and Anita Arnold.

Meet Your Facilitators

Anita Arnold, M.Ed

Anita Arnold - Life Worth Living

is a teacher, student, social justice activist, trauma alchemist, and regenerative activist. She is a trauma family therapist and works to deepen the connective tissue of both families and organizations. Social Justice through Personal Growth has been her model and approach for change and development for individuals, families, and organizations. She views all therapy as trauma healing and utilizes both science and magic (alchemy) as healing approaches. She facilitates workshops, trainings, and events of meaning.

Rev. Dr. Joe Burnham

Joe Burnham’s Life Worth Living

is a spiritual misfit and abundance cultivator. A former Christian pastor, Joe realized while writing his doctoral dissertation (2015) that faith as he knew it did not invite a life worth living. Rather than quit, he used his dissertation as an opportunity to deconstruct his faith and lay the foundation for the inspired life he lives today. Joe is certified as a Holistic Life Coach and in Cosmic Sexuality. He is also working on a breath and scream work certification.

About the Discussion

Modeled after one of the most popular classes at Yale, this group of 10 participants will use the book LIFE WORTH LIVING by Miroslav Volf, Matthew Croasmun, and Ryan McAnnally-Linz as an inspirational guide and reference as we come to define our understanding of a meaningful life.

It is important to note that we are not here to come to a definition as a group, nor are we looking to the book to provide us with the answer. Rather, we are exploring what others from a wide variety of traditions have proposed and use their search to help identify the essential questions we need to ask, sit in, and sit under.

Using those questions we will embrace various techniques from small discussions in dyads to large group sharing and experiential learning to shape our imaginations. Our group is small which allows us to co-create a container of respect and compassion from which to ultimately formulate your recipe for a life worth living.

Please purchase LIFE WORTH LIVING: A Guide to What Matters Most and have started reading it before our first gathering.

If you are interested in being part of a group, please let us know in the form below and we will set a schedule when we have enough participants.

Everything Else on the Way to a Good Life

You can buy your copy of LIFE WORTH LIVING here.


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