(7 customer reviews)


Guided breathwork pushes your ego out of the way, allowing your psyche to speak. A primal scream releases what doesn’t serve you while holistic coaching helps you integrate what does. Learn more about virtual or Denver-based psychedelic breathwork.

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Package Options

When you select five sessions and pay upfront, the fifth session is free.


In-person psychedelic breathwork sessions can take place at a private location of your choosing or in my Denver home office (near the Highlands).

Find Out More

Want to find out if psychedelic breathwork is right for you? Schedule a discovery call today.

If you are interested in booking a group session (up to 10 people) please contact me directly.

Additional information

Number of Sessions

1, 5

7 thoughts on “Psychedelic Breathwork (Online or In-Person)

  1. This was my first time experiencing Breathwork in the space of another man. It was very intense and Joe held space for me in a way I didn’t even realize I needed. As men I believe we need strong relationships with other men. Something I have lacked. Thanks Joe for holding space for me and allowing me to realize this even more so.

  2. I want to start off by saying I had mentioned my reservations about allowing a man to hold this type of space for me. I have some trauma and was worried. Joe asked if there was anything to help me be comfortable and made it all about me feeling safe from our very first conversation. Our session was magical! It was everything I needed and more, he made me forget about all my worries and all I can say is I’m so thankful for him. I would recommend everyone allowing him to hold space for you. Thank you Joe I could say it a million times

  3. Just Wow, are the words that come to mind first. Joe did such an amazing job. He made me feel comfortable and safe. He created a space where I was able to truly let myself go, and release emotions that were stored in my body. He talked me thru allowing my body to be my guide. This experience is something everyone should try. I truly feel if we had more breathwork like this in our life’s we would be healthier and happier humans. Thank you so much Joe for this incredible experience. I can’t wait to do it again.

  4. This was my 1st time having a male facilitator. I came into it excited. And with no expectations.
    It was new & I LOVED it! I’ve had around a dozen breathwork sessions, all of them with females. Having a male presence brought a completely different type of energy – that I was not aware of until I “dropped” in. I was brought to a place where I looked at the males in my own life with a different appreciation – something I VERY much needed at this time. It also allowed for what I can only explain as a stronger “connection” to my dad (RIP), than a female facilitator could bring.
    Also, Joe nailed my playlist OUT OF THE PARK!

  5. This was probably my 3rd or 4th breathwork experience, but the first where there was not only the sense of dropping in, or “being away” from my physical self, but the added sensation of awareness of the tangible energy movement in my body. Immediately after our session the sense of having shifted or released something became a little more present, and that releasing has continued at a low level it seems, even 10 days after our session. Bravo, Joe!

  6. Because I have done breathwork before, I understand the power of it, and the energy that moves within. It has been about two years since I’ve entered this expanse and working with Joe was the perfect opportunity to step back into this sacred space. We met before sunrise and moved right into the breathing. It is interesting how many emotions were present. Knowing Joe’s heart and desire for this to be my “experience” helped settle those down. I really enjoyed how he “custom fit” songs that I supplied into the flow of the 44 minutes. Each one helped to transition me in, and out, of some of the density that I felt within. When I was in there, I had a vision of a fireplace flue being clogged up. Very little heat getting in, and minuscule smoke getting out. The blockage causing the fire to smother. As we finished, I felt like I was walking out into a field of wild flowers alive. The sky blue, the path clear, as I meandered through the colors alive. Thank you Joe for being you and allowing this experience to happen!

  7. This was my first time doing anything like this, and I’m a very reserved person emotionally. I really appreciated how comfortable I felt, and what a great job Joe did of preparing for and guiding the session. I noticed a real improvement in my physical fibromyalgia symptoms, too. Better mental acuity, less fatigue, less pain. Stress causes fibro flares for me, and releasing all this negativity seemed to help. Thank you, Joe!

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